Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today seems like a good day

To start blogging, that is :) There is so much going on in our lives right now. I hope that this will be a good way to stay connected to our friends and family, especially since they are so far away. We arrived here in Alabama on June 7th 2009 and moved right into Army Lodging on post here at Ft Rucker. We were so relieved to reach our (almost) final destination after moving back to the States from Germany, flying into Atlanta with our dog Reggie, then driving straight up to Chicago after and transatlantic flight and no sleep. Did I mention that I married a superhero? Dan drove just over 12 of the 14 hours it took to drive up to IL. It was a long trip but we made it and had a ton of fun visiting his parents and siblings. I got to have lunch with my Grandma and also visited with my friends Ali & Trent in DeKalb and also finally got to meet Wendy and Ed's sweet baby Aubrey. Staying with my inlaws is always fun and they are so loving that I feel lucky everytime we are together. Sounds sappy but if you know them, you'd know what I mean. Love them!
Now we're back and getting our new life all settled. We closed on our house yesterday~YAY~and we'll be moving in next week, on Friday. We are so excited!Stay tuned! :D

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