Sunday, July 17, 2011

catching up!

If my blog was a houseplant it definitely would have perished a long time ago..... Fortunately my blog requires no water, so I can revive it with some simple strokes of the keyboard. So much to catch up on. Life is busy for everyone, and our household is no exception. We're still in Enterprise, AL (just outside of Fort Rucker) and it looks like this will probably be our last year here. Dan was offered a job in Dallas with the Guard that would mean no (?) deployments and an opportunity to put down some roots. He's still working on the particulars and I won't get my hopes up, but its looking like it could be a go. It would be wonderful to have him home all the time and for him not to miss any of our baby's life! I'm hoping Dallas is as nice as I've heard, since neither one of us has ever even visited there. We shall see! It'll be great to finally leave Alabama since its not my favorite place and begin a new life somewhere else.

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